
Showing posts from April, 2022


L ee Kuan Yew in his book 'From Third World to First' writes, " We believed in socialism, in fair shares for all. Later we learned that personal motivation and personal rewards were essential for a productive economy. However, because people are unequal in their abilities, if performance and rewards are determined by the marketplace, there will be few big winners, and considerable number of losers. That would make for social tensions because the society's sense of fairness is a offended." If food, water and shelter are the basic survival needs then medical care, pensions and education are their present- day contemporary. To provide for these is a moral duty of any government. But the purpose of action is to bring forth the country in a long run and not for the cause of people pleasing, aiming for electoral gains. The past announcements of state governments in Delhi, Punjab and Rajasthan are questionable. Of course the new player in arena is trying to make a name f

ᑐᑌᑎᕮ Music score

The Sardaukar Chant from the Dune movie is so similar to Buddhist tantric chants. Links:  Sardaukar chant in movie Buddhist tantric chants Kannakol On 7.08 it's Carnatic music and is used in Tabla music art called kannakol. I'm dissapointed how Hans Zimmer presumptously calls them his own creation wherein they aren't. But I guess it's that artist thing.  "Good artists copy, great artists steal." — Pablo Picasso