I don't believe in social media except YouTube which I don't consider as one because you have to go to the linked social handles to get in contact with these people on youtube. 

I firmly believe that social media is futile, which is why I choose to not use it. But I'm not on the bangwagon of hating social media either.

I hate my Phone yet feel so naked without it

◾Since , most of the viral moments take place on these platforms ( Twitter, Instagram,Facebook). Ofcourse you might feel the need to keep up with it. The FOMO strikes us all. But what is it that you are really missing on?

10-20 years down the line would you bother to remember what meme went viral in your 20s , what celebrity wore what to their wedding? What they named their kids? Or what controversy some influencer got embroiled in?  

The real moments take place around you and you miss out on them when you are immersed in some virtual world. In your 40s not mine! How would it feel to have your memories filled with events from other people's lives.

Hard times create strong men. Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men. And, weak men create hard times.

▪️The FOFO - Fun of fading out. Ya just made that up.

Real world is harsh and ugly. Our desires whereas are so strong that the retreat into imagination only seems to be accelerating and escalating. You say you're bored so you use social media. why? Because it provides you a perfect escape from your negative nagging thoughts. Scrolling through continuous supply of information distracts you from your problems. And this is not a solution as much as it seems like, a blessing for the anxious and depressed times. Making peace with realness of the unseen world is the way for your salvation. 

You stay in the virtual cocoon you stay weak. You come out and face your fears, loneliness, boredom, and obstacles you become stronger. You become real.

Moments or Highlights?

◾You fill your greatest and very rarely worst moments on your feed. But the moments in between get lost. People see the best of you. The refined,polished,happy you.  Not the real you. [ Netflix 'BLACK MIRROR'- EP-NOSEDIVE]

But there's no denying that everybody get's their shot at being a celebrity on these platforms. To form a persona 

Persona :


•the part of a person’s character that they reveal to other people, especially when their real character is very different

•a character adopted by an author or an actor.

You design your feed in a specific way that goes with an aesthetic. You mould your nose in a way that it fits the current beauty standards which totally defeats the purpose of having a nose to inhale air. That button nose with minuscule nostrils is useless if it won't let the air pass. You eat what's vogue. Who even are you than just a stolen personality of someone who might be copying some another impersonator.

—The Trap—

"Nothing is free in this world, if someone is claiming to give you something at no cost then you, yourself are the product and your time is their capital."

When the crowd gets large it is no more a group but market. Hyperconsumerism at it's peak trying to make it's reach through product placement everywhere. Every post you see is a product placement not creativity or message. 

Scrolling and seeing semi naked women dancing ? Or a product from your recent search? These are specifically designed algorithms to keep you hooked. After all why would you scroll if they showed you something that can't grab and retain your attention. [BLACK MIRROR- HANG THE DJ]


But life happens to everyone individually. I might be making far fetched assumptions that every social media user is at vain. Some are wise enough to read between the lines and posts...to not accept it as a reality of someone's life or of their own. To not fall for the thirst traps or exaggerated life experiences. For them it's a facade but they know to play their roles well. 

And as for people like me , we have this innate fear of being left behind or missing out too. But our inclination towards truth and going against the flow is higher. This gives us joy to remain where we are and watch from distance how and what the future unfolds and holds. 

     Dean- instagram 



  1. Inspirational ✌️

  2. As you said it real world is hard and ugly Not everyone can take it then what's harm in using social media even if everything out there is fake and superficial but if someone feels like they don't belong in real world and find a fraction of happiness or let's just they where they feel accepted. See there is so many drawbacks in using social media but not everyone is mentally strong or have a will to stay away and embrace the reality. Someone out there may be struggling to fit in real world but on social media they can create bond with someone who accept them as they are coz real world is harsh and ugly No matter how superficial or fake virtual world is but if someone find happiness online then it's totally fine..kyuki happiness is what matters in the end.

    1. Get help. False sense of happiness is not going to help you.


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