
Showing posts from 2021

Lores from Ellora (in pictures)


Economics without ethics is a caricature. Ethics without economics is a fairy tale.

In 1759, Adam Smith wrote 'The Theory of Moral Sentiments' and 15 years later he came up with one of his best works, the Magnum Opus of economics — 'The wealth of nations'. Not many people know this but it was 'the theory of moral sentiments' that provided the ethical, philosophical , psychological and methodological underpinnings to Smith's later works. They may seem like two distant words but economy and ethics are interdependent. Economics without ethics:  Gospel of selfishness           According to Oxfam International report, 73% of the wealth generated in 2017 worldwide was possessed by richest 1% making up for 900 million poor people. An economy without ethics further deepens the cracks of inequality by creating more poverty , crime and injustice. Similarly the covid-19 vaccine crisis has revealed the inadequacy of capitalism to fulfill societal needs. It led to the clash between needs of humanity and principles of economy. Countries are arguing that

Soul's Sole purpose

  When Pixar and Disney collaborates you know for sure that a great movie is on it's way. Soul came on Disney's online streaming platform during this world pandemic situation and did a pretty well buisness .It is one of its kind of movie. One may think it is for the kids because the animation is always related to kids but the topics Soul deal with are adulthood related. 🚩 Spoilers ahead  It's about Joe Gardener and his passion for jazz music. Joe has waited his entire life to get the gig and that one opportunity that could make his life change. He believes once that happens he will truly start living his life. Which happens when he gets that chance to perform with dorothy Williams an acclaimed jazz singer at her show but just before that, he dies. He reaches at the pathway to the great beyond aka afterlife where he realises that all his dreams came to an end before getting completed for once. He panicks and says ' I cannot die right now, not when i have truly started l

Ok But why does Jaadu from koi mil gaya (2003) looks like Na'vi people's baby from Avatar(2009)?

  Hello ? James Cameron ? Rakesh Roshan was a time traveller?


  The White Tiger by Aravind Adiga is 2008 Man Booker Prize Winner which was recently adapted as a netflix movie and was released 2 days ago. I had baught the book last year on 26th of January 2020 out of curiosity. I don't quite remember, maybe I saw it on my recommendation page on amazon shopping app after a previous purchase of another book named SHANTARAM from the same seller. Today I saw the movie and wanted to capture my thoughts about it in comparison and in parallel to the book. SPOILERS AHEAD⚠️ This story is about a driver turned entrepreneur BALRAM. In my eyes he is both protagonist and antagonist of this story, both victim and culprit. He is the rooster that became white tiger.. The movie unlike the book starts on one of the main events of the story. I liked how in the book the story was written in form of an invitation/confession letter. Sitting in his air-conditioned office, he pens down his journey so far to Mr. Premier (prime minister of china) who was visiting India